Sunday, October 23, 2016

Rian Phra Luang Phu Wat Rai Khing 帕龙普瓦来金佛铜牌

Made by : High Monks


Temple: Wat Rai Khing


Year Made: BE 2559

年制:佛历 2559 年

Material: Nur Thong



Protection from bad influence and evil, For great of protection that can protect a worshipper from dangerous, bad things and black magic, giving the worshipper greater confidence and self-esteem, to naturally create rhythm and harmony with others, hence another common description and even helps you to easy communicate with others well. Bring good sales business, good opportunity and successful in everything




This Stunning featured "Rian Phra Luang Phu Wat Rai Khing" are strongly blessed by high Guru monks all over the Thailand in year BE 2559. Phra Rai Khing are very well known among Thais, faithful Buddhists frequently pay a visit to Wat Rai Khing to pay homage to the sacred Buddha image. Wat Rai Khing which originally was called Wat Mongkol Chinda Ram Rai Khing was founded in 1791 and lies directly at the Chai Si river. Wat Rai Khing wittaya school which build by the temple, educated lots of students who are now famous Thai singer, actress and many more.
I Highly Recommended to you.


此非凡“帕龙普瓦来金佛铜牌”由众高僧在佛历255年加持开光. 帕来金佛在泰国是个家喻户晓,在所有泰国人民众所皆知和非常敬仰的一位佛祖,虔诚的佛教徒经常会到瓦来金佛寺参拜瓦来金佛祖瓦来金佛寺最初叫Wat Mongkol Chinda Ram Rai Khing.在1791年建立并且直接就位于柴丝河。 瓦来金佛寺武艺塔呀学校由寺庙所修建,教育了许多知名泰国歌手,男女演员和更多现今泰国政客。我强烈推荐给你!!!

Order Details:

Code: R0027PB

Item: Rian Phra Luang Phu Wat Rai Khing 帕龙普瓦来金佛铜牌

Price: SGD 48 新币 四十八元

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*All Amulet/Rian/Turkut/Others would come with temple packaging/box to proof that it is from Direct Temple. All items are blessed by Monk.

For more information, details or Rent, please email to:

Sambodhi Thai Amulet -

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