Temple: Wat banzaniwan
Year Made: BE 2557
年制:佛历 2557 年
Material: Sacred Dark Samlit Materials & Kring inserted
Phra Kring will bring more Opportunities, Healthy and Prosperity, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good fortune especially business and authority, Improve your luck and fortune.
This is Super Wealthy Batch Phra Kring Loop Lor, strongly blessed by Luang Phor Mee An in BE 2557. Made from sacred Dark copper materials, base with yant code and inserted with kring. Only made 2999 for this material. Good for health and wealth. Supplied with temple box.
I Highly Recommended to you.
Bio of Luang Phor Mian (Mee An)
He came to Sa Kaeo Province in B.E. 2522 (C.E. 1979), he then ordained back again at Wat Nong Tim, Sa Kaeo Province. After that, he went on pilgrimage to many provinces to continues his learning on mantra and wicha. When he happen to passby Sisaket Province, he met Luang Phu Suang (passed away in C.E. 2000) whom was called “Thewada Dern Din” which means “Immortal on earth”. He learnt wicha from Luang Phu Suang and gains enough knowledge; thereafter, he left to continue his journey.
龙婆米安 - 简介传记
龙婆米安出生于佛历 2482(西元1939年)出生地在柬埔寨。十岁时,他便到佛寺暂住为俗家弟子。直到二十岁时,他便随缘剃度为僧。他在柬埔寨为僧时十分好学,跟十二位柬埔寨高僧侣与咒师学习佛法与咒术。龙婆米安行游时,对佛法神咒秘术非常向往。在西元1976年,柬埔寨,大战,人民,僧侣和牧师接连被杀害。饱受战火吹袭,所以在那个时候龙婆米安大师不得不还俗化为普通百姓从柬埔寨移民到泰国避难。
在佛历 2522(西元1979年,他来到沙缴府,瓦农添(农添佛寺),再次剃度为僧受戒。
在那之后,他便行游去朝拜许多泰国省州,继续他佛法学习。当他经过四色菊府时,因缘让他遇见“龙普爽”,人民称为“Thewada Dern Din”,意思是“人间神仙”(在西元2000去世)。
Order Details:
Code: LL0033PK
Item: Phra Kring 药师佛
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*All Amulet/Rian/Turkut/Others would come with temple packaging/box to proof that it is from Direct Temple. All items are blessed by Monk.
For more information, details or Rent, please email to: sambodhithai@gmail.com
Sambodhithai Thai Amulet - http://sambodhithai.blogspot.sg/
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